delivers a personalized and immersive museum experience that customized based on individual's interest and knowledge through mobile and Mixed Reality platforms.
Mixed Reality
Design System
May 2022 - Aug 2022
Project Type
Personal Project
After Effects
Microsoft Maquette
Early in the pandemic, all museums were closed to the public. 33% of directors felt their museums were at some risk of permanent closure without immediate support—a threatened loss of 12,000 museums and 124,000 jobs.
Problem Statement
People do not have an enjoyable museum experience because they lack the information they need to understand the historical context of the museum's collections.
Our Solution
We offer every visitor a truly unique and immersive experience. We create journeys, customized for you, that provide a multi-sensory encounter and offer varying levels of context based on your knowledge and interests. Follow a guided tour designed specifically for you and explore an ancient world like never before.
I made this low-fidelity storyboarding prototype in ShapesXR. This prototype presents the fundamental content that would be displayed through Mixed Reality glasses.
Cometitor Analysis
Positioning Matrix
User Research
Key Findings
Visitors don’t get the information they need in historical museums.
Museums usually only display basic information and explanations of artifacts.
Visitors with different levels of history knowledge want different information to achieve their goals of visiting museums
The display and spatial design of a museum can greatly impact the visitor's experience.
Visitors want to observe artifacts from different angles to see more details.
Visitors feel more connected to ancient world in an immersive environment.
Visitors sometimes feel confused by the navigation.
Journey Map
Visit A Historical Museum |
Look at the First Artifact |